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Junee Maps

Find your way around Junee with a variety of maps to show you where all the sightseeing opportunities are. Whether you’re visiting Junee and want to explore the surrounding areas of Illabo,, Junee Reefs, Old Junee, Wantabadgery, Eurongilly, or even Bethungra, you don’t have to get lost ever again. Explore our maps today and map out your next Junee adventure with all its highlights.

Day Trips from Canberra, Wagga Wagga, Albury, Gundagai and The Riverina

First, we should say, you can’t see Junee in just one day! Junee has so much to do, we recommend at least a full weekend! If you’re heading up hereto see just one or two tourist attractions in Junee you’ll find it an easy country drive along quality roads with plenty of pleasant views and stops along the way. 


A Weekend Away (or longer) in Junee NSW

Junee is an enjoyable country drive away from both Sydney (around 5 hours) and Melbourne (around 6 hours) and is a favourite long weekend destination, especially in spring and summer with the gardens looking so lovely and the weather suitable for our monthly markets. 

Be sure to book your Junee accommodation early to avoid disappointment. Junee offers an experience quite unlike other NSW holiday destinations, and we guarantee you’ll love it. 

A Lifetime Well Spent

Thinking of relocating to Junee? We can help with information on shipping and transport, the NSW Government Relocation Grant and other ‘moving logistics’. Get in touch with Junee Shire Council now.

Day trips from Canberra and The Riverina, Romantic Weekends Away in NSW, School Holiday Bliss… Get Sidetracked in Junee!