
Bus Safety

August 6, 2021

Every day in NSW, hundreds of thousands of school children, workers and tourists use buses to get around and travel all or part of their journey to school and work or to explore our state. Over the five-year period up to June 2020, a total of 34 people were killed in crashes involving buses in NSW. Of the 34 fatalities, 15 were pedestrians. During the same five-year period, 362 people were seriously injured in bus crashes, including 69 pedestrians and 18 bicycle riders. Crashes involving buses often result in more severe outcomes to other road users due to their size and mass, and because due to their size and weight, they take more time to stop. So now is a timely opportunity to have a conversation with your kids or grandchildren, or just refresh your own memory on what are the road rules regarding buses. Remember, whether you are a driver or a pedestrian – buses can’t stop quickly, and, you must slow down to 40km/hr when lights are flashing on a bus.